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RWB Electrical Services portable appliance testing repeated pattern

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Norfolk


Our popular electronic appliance testing services include:


• PAT testing on construction sites

• PAT testing in the workplace

• Health and safety PAT testing


We can offer PAT test pricing per item so that you can have peace of mind knowing that testing costs are clear. Carried out by Reliable Electrical Contractors.


Between 1974 and 1999, regulations to ensure safety from electric shock came into force. This means that businesses are liable for the condition of portable appliances in commercial environments. Resellers of electric goods are now obligated to PAT test as indemnity from injury as a result of faulty electronics. Electrical (Safety) Regulations 1994 require that all landlords carry out PAT on all portable appliances to ensure tenant safety. PAT testing is not only a legal requirement, it is also common sense.

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